Thursday, April 06, 2006

#2 Ah! There it comes

Ah! There it comes

"Ah! There it comes" exulted Mathur, standing in the small front balcony of his house, watching the tempo-truck coming his way. He had been there for a long time now, awaiting the moment and the object that had finally arrived. It braked below their building making a loud irritating screeching sound which large vehicles make when they brake. Mathur had always hated that sound. I mean, not always but since the age of six.

Imagine the young, six year old Mr. Mathur who was crazy about sleeping. When he was a kid, he loved to sleep. And as much as he loved sleep, he hated school. School was a curse his parents had cast on him. Another major reason for this hatred was the his father was a teacher in the same school. As shy as, he never felt comfortable in school. He never talked much in school. His only work there was to study and nothing else and that is exactly what he did. Study. Every morning he woke up with extreme difficulty, not no enthusiasm but the fear of his father's howl which soared high to extremely pitches and intensities if Mathur(the son obviously) was not up and ready at his scheduled time. His father was a strict man. He always pitied his students. So every morning, he work up with utmost difficulty and got ready. Silently cibbing, his calmness was regained only once he sat in his bus for now he had another chance to sleep. Every single day he went to school, he slept in his bus. Though miraculously he had left this habit behind now, he was unable to open his eyes once he sat in his school bus. He did the thing he loved the most in his bus. He loved the bus for that. But as soon as they reached school the bus breaked hard making this screeching sound and metamorphosing him from the composed sleeping-kid to the most uncomfortable school kid. He hated his bus for stopping and more than that he hated this sound that was an indication of the arrival of the place he disdained. He was sure that the school bus drivers were purposely made to break hard on reaching the school. Infact, he was certain they put some screeching oil into their bus wheels to make this sound sound more horrible and terrifying than it can possibly be.

The tempo made the same vexing sound but this time it was different. This time he waited for it to stop. Life is always the same, the essential difference is how we see it and how much we welcome it. One person got out from the vehicle and entered the building. Now was the time to break the news. He went inside to his wife who was working in the kitchen. She was not doing something very important but it is a tradition that if you are seeking for the wife, she will always be found in the kitchen(Applies only if you're married).
"Dear, I have to tell you something" said Mathur in a low tone with a frown.
"What? Is there some problem?" Mrs Mathur knew something was wrong.
"Well... I think I should've told this to you much earlier but now I think there's no escaping it."
"What are you trying to say??" Mrs. Mathur said anxiously.
"See.. I'll try to say it in simple words" he said, keeping the frowning face intact.
"Will you stop doing this and tell me what the matter is !" she queried.
"Listen.. I mean.. I ... I... I have been promoted" said Mathur in a soft apologetic voice achieving all the surprise he wanted to.
"What!!!!!?" Her eyes gleamed and she jumped up with joy.
"Okay. There's one more thing I'd like to tell you"
"We have a new sofa-set."
"Wow!!!!" she screamed, all excited.
"And it has arrived. The people are standing downstairs."
"Oh my god!!!"
She rushed to the balcony to take a took and saw this huge tempo carrying something huge covered with sheets and plastic. She had wanted a new set for a long time now.

It was all set. The old set had been dumped into the tempo and sent while the new one sparkled in their tiny house.
"It is beautiful. Really! Your choice is too good. Oh.. But how much did it cost ?"
Mathur knew that was coming his way. He at first had thought of not telling her the correct price but now his conscience didn't allow him to do that.
"Ten" he said hesitatingly.
"Ten what ? Ten thousand ????" alarmed Mrs. Mathur.
"Yes" he said sheepishly.
"Ohhhhh!! How many times! How many times have I told you to not spend so much. Extravagance cannot be our style of living. We're poor people. How do you think we can affoard such costly stuff ?"
"But I just had a promotion. My salary has increased. And at this auspicious occasion I had to get something for the house"
"That is right.. But ten thousand is too much. Too much."
She was extremely disappointed but now nothing could be done. She was happy about the sofa but the disappointment of its cost was huge enough to curb the jubilation. She grew quiet and spoke very less for a long time.

(Not finished yet)


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