Thursday, April 06, 2006

#1 Congratulations

“Congratulations Mathur! You owe us a dinner now” said Mathur’s colleagues.

“Oh thank you. Sure” felicitously said Mathur.

Mr. Mathur got the news that he had been promoted to assistant manager and no one could have been more delighted by this news than his wife, who was known as Mrs. Mathur. Mathur had always been an honest, hard-working person surrounded by sly sycophants in his work. But hard-work pays. All the determination he had put into his work and his company had finally paid up. Though he was now, more enthusiastic and prepared to work more and harder. But now was the time to rejoice.

“She will go mad when I tell her this” thought Mathur as he was sitting in the bus, gazing and smiling at the mundane activities going on in the streets. Everyone looked happy. Everybody smiled. Was his joy potently overflowing outside or was it always like this and he never noticed. The thought struck his mind, but Mathur was too busy to care. He just enjoyed as the wind splashed his face and he sat more comfortably, closing his eyes, relaxing for he had a long way to go. The horns on the road were music with the voice of the engines in synchronous harmony making everything sound so grand, so pleasing.

“She wanted a new sofa-set” pondered Mathur. Suddenly he bore and idea and got off the bus before his usual stop.

“How much does that sofa-set cost? “ He said pointing at a beautifully embroidered sofa.
“This one, Sir? It is priced at Rs.10,000”
“Hmmm…“ Hummed Mathur rubbing his chin. He rubbed it whenever he thought. Many times had he thought of changing this habit but had always found himself rubbing his chin even while thinking this. Since childhood, he had only two permanent companions. Determination and the chin-rubbing habit. The former was inherited by Mathur from his father. A great man of even greater principles and with principles so great, his father was now a principal at a local school. But how Mathur had got the chin-rubbing habit is another interesting story in itself.

Imagine the young Mr. Mathur who was crazy about Rakesh Krishna, the premier contemporary batsman. He had once got a chance to meet him in person which he had taken great pains but with determination and luck, finally succeeding in arranging a two-minute meeting.

“Autograph Sir!” said Mathur and Rakesh smiled and signed it for the jolly kid.
“Sir may I ask you one question?”
“Sure.. Go Ahead”
“What is the secret of your superb play?”
“Haha” Rakesh gave a horselaugh and placed his hand on his chin rubbing it and thinking of an answer.
Mathur never remembered the answer he gave, but in order to emulate his ideal, he thought it would be a good deal to think while rubbing the chin and to rub the chin while thinking. He had realized his foolishness at a later age, when Rakesh had been discarded from the cricket team due to drug abuse, but now it was too late. The chin called for the rubbing every time the brain disc rotated in his head.

Mathur ordered the beautiful sofa. He gave his house address and was told that the sofa-set would reach there the next evening.

As Mathur entered his house, the smart Mrs. Mathur detected some peculiarity in him.
“You look so glad. What happened today?”
“Oh… Nothing! Nothing special. The same old office.” Said Mathur shrugging his shoulders trying to not spoil the surprise he had kept for his wife.
“She’ll see the sofa and then I’ll tell her about the promotion. That’ll be a sight!” jubilated Mathur in his mind. The night passed usually. Insects creaked, lizards crawled, watchmen whistled and cars passed. The only thing a bit unusual was the Mathur could not sleep. It was another old habit. Thinking about his new cabin, new salary and all other newnesses that were going to be introduced to him, cost him his night sleep but Mathur was not regretful. Up early and ready even earlier the energetic Mathur showed no signs of fatigue or lack of sleep whatsoever. Infact, he was so eager to reach his office, he left about 30 minutes before his usual time. He reached the bus stop walking as slow as an ant but even then he had all the time of the world left before office started. So he sat on the bus-stop, dreaming, fancying his new life. Mathur was a calm and composed personality, mostly. But this sudden surge of happiness had disturbed his routine. Mathur loved routine. He had worked hard and dreamt everyday and every night of what lay ahead of him. And finally, he had got it. He dreamt of his poor childhood when his father was just a local school teacher and how his father had always hoped that his son would one day rise up for the father-son shared a great quality namely determination. His father worked honestly and hard enough but got not what he deserved. Atleast he thought so. He was greatly insecure about his only child's future and was always a great help to Mathur in every endevour of his but he was unsatisfied with his life. Well, who is satisfied anyway ?

Mathur thought of so many things, so deep, that he lost track of his physical presence. With open eyes fixed on the wall on the otherside of the road, Mathur was dreamy enough to not realize 30 minutes fly past like an arrow. The interesting bit was, that as soon as he snapped out of his slumber, he saw his usual bus going afar. Yes, he had missed it.
"I'm going to be late now!" said Mathur alarmed. The next bus would arrive after 30 minutes and Mathur could certainly not affoard to wait that long. He thought of taking an autorickshaw until he remembered his wife's words
"You earn this money by working very hard. Don't ever waste it extravagently! If I don't tell you this, who will ?"
Mathur was confused. He had a bus pass which entitled him to travel free in the busses and getting an autorickshaw was going to cost him Rs.50.50 rupees was not a small thing for him and his family. But this was not the first time he had got in this situation where his wife's words conflicted with his gut and it won't be too surprising to know that mostly her words were victorious. Though his wife was correct for he must not spend extravagently but now it was more of a need than a luxury. But then a brilliant idea struck Mathur.
"Why don't I get an autorichshaw to follow the bus and catch it. It couldn't have gone much far.This way it'll cost me much less."
So Mathur quickly spotted an autorickshaw but with no driver, he looked around but there was no one to be found. He was getting late, for the current situation, the phrase "Time is money!" suited nothing less than the best. Rubbing his chin he thought of what to do when suddenly he heard something like a trumpet behind his back. The irritating sound was created by Pandey's two wheeler, the savior.
"Hey Mathur? Are you going to the office ?" asked Pandey.
"No! I usually go and see Bangladesh Vs Sri Lanka cricket matches at 9 AM in the morning wearing formals with a briefcase in my hand... Don't you know? " said Mathur sarcastically. andey gave a measly laugh and Mathur sat behind him and they buzzed off.

Mathur reached late by 20 minutes as he was kept busy in helping the 'saviour' change his punctured tyre on the way. The new assistant manager moved with a sense of pride as he walked through the office corridor wishing everybody around with a complacent smile and headed towards his new cabin.
"I've been waiting for you Mr.Mathur" said Mr.Khurana, the company head.
"I'm extremely sorry sir. First I missed my...."
"Okay. Let it be now." Interrupted Khurana.
"I want you to listen to me very carefully. You have been promoted to the Assistant Manager. Its a hard job. You've been working hard but now you must train yourself to make it harder. Do I make myself clear ?"
"Yes Sir. Absolutely"

Khurana was a dominating personality. In harsh terms he explained Mathur his new work and disappeared for a meeting. Mathur was now alone, sitting on his chair, in his room, in front of his table. He was more than delighted. He dreamt of how he would work hard and innovate new schemes to grow company sales. He facnied how he would be respected, how he would be richer, how he would get all the comforts he had dreamed of. Afterall, what else does one dream of ? Office went as normally as ever. Files, calls, accounts and more files and more calls and more accounts. But as soon as it struck evening, Mr.Anurag Mathur was aready to go home. To get what he had ordered and to see his wife's astonished face.


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